Red Hot Nature

Happily ever after...well, not always! But when you have your best friend to share every day with, how can life not always be great? By focusing all our energy on each other, we're creating a marriage that will last through the eternities. We have created this blog to share our lives with our family, friends, and the future family we'll create together. "Marriage is a gift from God to us. The quality of our marriages is a gift from us to him." ~Elder L. Whitney Clayton

Monday, July 15, 2013

Puppy Sitting and FHE

Jana and Mike went to Nauvoo for a few days and needed someone to watch their dog so I volunteered to watch their little Mini Aussie, Jaycee, for them!  She was such a sweetheart. We played fetch and she snuggled with me. Now Zach wants a little dog!

Jana was so cute and brought me a card with an Olive Garden Gift Card, a Coldstone Gift Card, and a Cinemark Gift Card to thank us for watching Jaycee.

After we dropped Jaycee off to Jana and Mike, we went to Brent and Jan's for Sunday dinner and FHE. Arin did the lesson on family history and being a pioneer. We talked about journaling too and keeping records for our family after us.  Grams was there and she was telling us some really great stories about her own history. It's important to keep those before us "alive" even after their gone so I'm going to retell two of her stories that had us rolling.

Both stories have to do with Christmas and Christmas trees. The first went something like this...

"I had asked grandpa to take the tree out and he kept saying he would. I gave it a few days, and he still hadn't taken it out. It was getting really dry and the needles were falling off everywhere.  I decided I could break it up and stick it in the fireplace.  It was the worst! Black smoke filled the room and I was running around opening up windows to try and get the smoke out.  I learned my lesson and never put another Christmas tree in the fireplace to burn again."

The other...something like this:

"Grandpa hated flocking on trees, but I loved it. We shopped everywhere one year and finally found the perfect tree.  On the way home, we had sort of forgotten about the tree and noticed our car was really needing a wash.  We pulled up to the wash to drive through and all the cars were honking. We just thought there must be something going on behind us.  Our car, and tree, got a nice little wash. The tree was even just fine once we got home!"

I hope we can always keep our loved ones alive even after they're gone so our children and other posterity may always know about where and who they came from.

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